Alku tarinasta, jonka ajatus lähti Taylor Swiftin Love Story -biisistä. Oikeastaan ihan vaan kuvailua toisaiseksi, varsinainen pääpointti ei edes vielä selviä. Ehkä vähän kliseinen, mutta oikeastaan yritetty kirjoittaa "enkunainekielellä" eli englannille tyypillisiä sanoja yms. Ja nimi siis Love Storysta.

It was a dreary Monday morning smack in the middle of September. I was tired and worse still I was at school. I was playing noughts and crosses with my friend Christine during English. We really should have been listening but Mr. Peterson was drowning on in his usual voice about nouns and it really was impossible to pay attention. Well Susan could of course and Elliot, they always can and do, but the rest of us were practically sleeping. I was just about to suggest we move on to hangman when Ms. Jefferson the head teacher came bustling in her usual excited manner causing a stir in the class. Actually this time she came in with such a hurry that Eric who sits right by the door almost fell over as he got jostled awake. Ms. Jefferson went straight to Mr. Peterson and started whispering animatedly. Everyone was leaning towards them but unluckily Ms. J. knows when to lower her voice, which was just what she did. After she was done talking she looked at Mr. P. expectantly but all she got as a reply was a small hrrumph after which Mr. Peterson continued his lecture.

       I was just about to pass over when the door opened the second time. Thinking that it couldn’t be Ms. Jefferson again and since none of the other teachers are much more interesting than Mr. Peterson I burrowed my head deeper into my arms. ”Whoa, will just look at that Ro”, Christina said poking me. In her voice I heard something that made me straighten up instantly and then blush scarlet, as the thing she was talking about looked straight back at me. The thing was a gorgeous new addition to our class. ”Everyone, this is Julio Montanez. He is an exchange student from Spain and will be joining your class for this semester”, said Ms. Jefferson.